Memorial to the Victims in the Jewish Cemetery
3 Šikarski Road
The monument to the Jewish victims was unveiled 23 November 1947 in the Jewish cemetery. The monument is a tall and wide artificial stone structure with a stepped upper edge. In the upper section is a white marble plaque placed horizontally with commemorative inscriptions in Serbo-Croatian and Hebrew. The inscriptions have the same content and commemorate all the members of the community. The inscriptions say: This memorial plaque is dedicated to every individual member of the Jewish community of Sombor, from old men and women to young men and women to innocent infants separated from their mother's milk and weak children, to all those who were hanged and killed by the merciless and desecrating hands of fascist and Nazi executioners, slaughtered, burned and taken away, who died a martyr's death as victims on the altar for their faith and nationality during the years of the Second World War, unprecedented in its vandalism and misery in the history of Israel (Serbo-Croatian: Ova spomen-ploča posvećena je svakom pojedinačnom članu somborske jevrejske veroispovedne opštine počev od staraca i starica pa preko mladića i devojaka sve do nevine odojčadi odvojene od majčinog mleka i nejake dece, svima onima koji su nemilostivim i oskrnavljevim rukama fašističkih i nacističkih dželata obešeni, ubijeni, zaklani, spaljeni i odvedeni, koji su mučeničkom smrću kao žrtve stradali na oltaru za svoju veru i narodnost u godinama Drugog svetskog rata bezprimernog po svom vandalizmu i bedi u istoriji Izraela; in Hebrew:
המצבה [לא קריא] הזאת
נקדשה לזכר כל איש ואיש מחברי ק"ק סומבור, מזקניה וזקנותיה, בחוריה ובתולותיה עד יונקי שדים שלא חטאו וגמולי מחלב שלא פשעו הנחנקים ונשחטים נהרגים ונשרפים בידי רצחני הפשיזם ונאציזם האכזריוה [לא קריא] [לא קריא] של צאן הרשים ומובילה ככליל על מזבח דתה ולאומיותם בשנות המלחמה העולמית השנייה שהיא עת צרה שלא היתה כמותה ליעקב
Ten white marble panels, placed vertically, with the names of the victims are mounted on the structure on both sides of the memorial (five at the front and five on the back). The names of the victims are engraved in Serbo-Croatian in alphabetical order.
The Jewish Community Sombor holds commemorative ceremonies by this monument annually - on January 27, marking the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. We would like to thank Mr. Fedor Fišl for the image.
Memorial to the Victims of the Bor Mine in the Jewish Cemetery
3 Šikarski Road
The memorial to the victims of the Bor mine was unveiled on April 19, 1964. It was jointly built by the Federations of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia and Hungary with the assistance of the Yugoslav Federal Secretariat for Health and Social Policy.
The monument, made of greyish stone, has two main parts. A low rectangular platform is partially covered - the covered section creates a path to the upright slab on which the memorial plaques are mounted. The plaques on the sides (with the Serbo-Croatian and Hungarian text) are of the same size, while the one in the middle (with the Hebrew text) is smaller. The upright slab is decorated with the Menorah and Magen David made of iron designed in minimalist, geometric mode. The commemorative inscriptions in Serbo-Croatian, Hebrew, and Hungarian are engraved on three black marble panels.
The text of the Serbo-Croatian and Hungarian inscriptions is identical; saying that 700 Jews from Hungary and Yugoslavia, forced laborers at the Bor mine, who were murdered by the fascists in October 1944, are buried beneath this monument. The inscription in Hebrew reads:
'לזכרון הקדושים שנהרגו כאן בשובם מעבודת כפיה מבור הי'ד לתורה ולתעודה' - In memory of the martyrs who were killed here on the return from the forced labor in Bor, let God revenge their blood according to law and testimony (second part of the sentence Isaiah 8:20). The text in Hebrew delivers a very different message from the one in the Serbo-Croatian and Hungarian languages, seeking justice for the unjust death of the martyrs.
The memorial to the Bor mine victims is in fact a common grave containing the exhumed remains of 700 Jewish forced laborers killed in Crvenka. A total of 6,000 Jews from Hungary was conscripted as forced laborers at the Bor mine camp, including roughly 600 Jews from Bačka. The Jewish prisoners were taken on death marches in September 1944. In a brickyard in Crvenka, near Sombor, over 1,200 of them were shot dead.
At the first postwar conference of the Jewish communities in Yugoslavia, held in 1947, a demand for an urgent exhumation and appropriate burial of the murdered was made. The report stated that the bodies started resurfacing from the shallow mass grave in which they had been buried. Even though finding a lasting solution to this matter was given top priority, the full exhumation wasn't completed until 1957, at which point the bodies were transferred to the Jewish cemetery in Sombor where they were buried.
The creation of the monument took an additional 7 years. Over a thousand people attended the unveiling ceremony on April 19, 1964, on the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Speakers included members of the National Presidency of Hungarian Jews, the Hungarian Committee of the Persecuted during Nazism, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia, and the Union of Fighters of the National Liberation War.
The following quote from one of the speakers, who stated that "this monument is one of the symbols of the spilled blood of the Hungarian and Yugoslav peoples in their struggle against fascism," captures the overall tone of the ceremony, despite the participation of Jewish representatives and even two rabbis. The victims were considered to be Yugoslav and Hungarian citizens, and the act of remembering them did not take their Jewish origin into account. In addition, the date chosen for the unveiling, presents the victims as active subjects and puts them in the context of Jewish resistance.
Members of the Jewish community of Sombor mark annually the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27) by this memorial. On this day, they commemorate and remember the Yugoslav and Hungarian Jews, prisoners of the Bor camp executed in Crvenka in 1944, whose remains found the final resting place in the Jewish cemetery in Sombor. We would like to thank Mr. Fedor Fišl for the image.